Lebrun Bois, at your service!
Buying and selling of forest wood
Contact - Demande d'infos Stock disponibleWe have been working for more than 30 years with consistency terms of in quality, prices and lead times. Lebrun Bois supplies good quality, large-diameter good. Discover our forestry resources below :
Lebrun Bois markets beech wood (Fagus sylvatica) in particular. Very widespread in Europe, beech is found in large quantities, which keeps the price down. Whereas it exists also in red, white beech is considered to be of superior quality.
The Lebrun Bois forest activity naturally comprises the king of the forest: the oak (Quercus). This Belgian family-owned and run company markets this species for its many qualities appreciated far beyond Europe whence the tree stems.
Lebrun Bois, a specialist in hardwood species, markets ash (Fraxinus excelsior) as well. This wood has particularly varied colours, ranging from a light colour near white to brown, via yellow and pink shades.
As a forestry industry company, Lebrun Bois markets mostly hardwood such as beech, oak, and ash but also cherry and maple - all of which are European species in demand in Europe but also in Asia.
A family- owned and run firm founded in 1978, Guy Lebrun and his son Quentin, assisted by Brigitte de Crane in the administrative office, harvest some 30,000 m² of wood per year.
Their core task consists of acting as a liaison between forest owners and the wood processing industry.
Their aim is to get the most out of each type of wood.
Their experience in the sector and the rigorous selection enable them to meet the needs of their customers rapidly and in a personalised manner.
When you work with Lebrun Bois you can rest assured of homogeneous products at all times, fixed prices, and on-time delivery. You can thus get the wood you want each and every time, in terms of species, quality and diameter, on the date and time scheduled.
One of the specific features of Belgian forests is that they provide large-diameter wood. As a forest industry company, Lebrun Bois is no exception to the rule: the logs are generally at least 50 cm in diameter.
Lebrun Bois works closely with the scierie Hontoir, renowned for its expertise.